Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Choosing a date

Hello All --
Discover Milan Days (in Milan MI) is hosted by the Milan DDA (Downtown Development Authority). Our hope is to help provide Milan with an event that allows everyone a chance to learn about what is available right in our on backyard and to have some fun! Street Vendors line main street and there are usually events that coincide at the American Legion and in Wilson Park - both of which are located in the Milan DDA District

We (the DDA and others who help to plan the event) are currently discussing the pros and cons of relocating the event from the first week in May - same day as Milan Opening Day of Little League to another time later in the season. Another local group, The Backstreet Cruizers, car club has invited us to team up with them for their annual car festival in Wilson Park on the first Saturday in August. We would like to know what everyone in the community thinks of this idea and other ideas that might lead to a better event in 2010. You can do that by contributing to this Blog or if you would like to participate in a live discussion, please consider attending the next DDA meeting on August 17th at Milan City Hall (front room)

Best Regards
DDA member - Lance Smith